Momentum is key - Keep moving forwards.

Momentum -

Momentum is super important in cyclocross. Without it you’ll lose seconds, with it you can gain free time whilst spending the least amount of energy. You need momentum in your mounts and dismounts, you need it through corners, you need it when you run, when you ride through sand, and when you plough through mud. Momentum is key in a cyclocross race. Learning how to mount and dismount your bike correctly, carrying your speed through corners and snapping back out them are all things you can learn and practice outside of racing. These are skills best mastered at a slow pace before you add the speed component.

 Momentum gives you free time, and it’s that time added up at the end of the race which determines what place you finish. Again, this is your race no one else's. Focus on what you're doing and don’t be afraid to try something different. If you can run something faster than you can ride, then run it. Don't wait for the moment you stop before you get off, that's a few lost seconds right there. This again comes down to breaking the course down before you race so you can pre-empt what points you could potentially mount and dismount over planks, up banks, through mud etc.

When I joined Telenet Fidea back in 2012 I remember riding a lot with former team mate Nicolle de Bie ( now Nicolle Van Opijnen-Leyten) we trained with the guys in the woods most weeks in Belgium, and I leaned a lot from this time. One moment I will always remember is Nicole just shouting at me, “Keep your speed …. what are you doing ?!” After me coming to a standstill in sand or at the bottom of a bank. The dutch are known for just saying what they think, I love it ! It was those type of comments that motivated me to work harder at what I was doing.

 My tips for you, and know these are all things we are always learning, they don’t come easy and require effort.

  •  If your in doubt you can ride something then just get off. Don’t over think things, focus on where you can make up time and try not to over focus on the things you can’t do.

  • Plan, plan and break the course down pre race this will allow you to make decisions quickly when your racing and for you to feel confident come race time.

  • Don’t waste seconds over thinking, try to be in the moment and always focus on moving that bike forwards.

  •   Don’t wait for your bike to standstill, use that free speed to move you forwards.

  • KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, yep folks no looking down at power metres I’m afraid in a cross race. I’m sick of hearing about the higher your ftp the better the bike rider you are. It’s nonsense, learn how to ride your bike, keep your focus, learn skills, look ahead and anticipate the race. If you see a big group in front slowing down and there is a space to the left then don’t just follow the group, choose a different line and go straight past. 

  •    Find your flow in a cross race and everything comes together. 


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